


BodyIntuitive Sessions

a cutting-edge, science-based, intuitive mind-body medicine system.

Bridging ancient wisdom traditions of healing with modern science

Let’s tap into your body’s healing intelligence to access and resolve the crucial stories behind symptoms and disease. 

Our modern lifestyle, with its chronic stress, fast- and packaged-food diets, environmental toxins, and overuse of antibiotics has given rise to a host of “modern diseases”, such as allergies, food intolerances, inflammation, obesity, diabetes and autoimmune conditions.  

Each health issue and symptom has a history, a story, a WHY?  Getting to the WHY makes all the difference in deep and long-lasting healing!

Is it structural? Is it hormonal? Is it emotional? Microbial?  Qi imbalances in your meridians?  Work or relationship stress? Or some combination of all these factors?  

Your body has answers.  It remembers every infection you’ve ever had, every accident, every toxin you’ve encountered, and every emotional trauma you’ve experienced throughout your life.

BodyIntuitive sessions incorporate the latest science on:

  • the Mind-Body connection, which shows that our thoughts, feelings, and emotions impact the functioning of our immune systems, our hormones, and our brains.

  • Epigenetics (the influence of lifestyle factors on health) and the way infections, environmental toxins, and traumatic experiences contribute to chronic illness.

  • the Microbiome – an important player in our digestion, our moods, our immune systems.

This science is combined with the ancient wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine, identifying the health of your qi and how it is flowing through your meridians, working with the substances of yin, yang, blood and jing.

I use neuromuscular feedback as a way to connect to my own intuitive guidance and to your  innate healing intelligence.  We find your body’s priorities for healing – to restore balance and help you on the road to joyful wellbeing. In each session, we look at your system from an eastern and western perspective and decide what message to send to your body today, to guide it in using its own amazing ability to heal.

My goal is to uncover the very personalized roadmap that will help you heal from your chronic illness, liberating the “real you” that is bound up in these sticky layers, and leading you back to the life you’ve always wanted!

*All sessions are telemedicine – held via telephone or Zoom.

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Including *Esoteric Acupuncture* – to connect you more to your Soul & to your Path

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